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How to Align Your Brand and Improve Business Results, Relationships and Reputation

How to Align Your Brand and Improve Business Results, Relationships and Reputation

‘Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better wh...

Be your brand’s own VALENTINE

Be your brand’s own VALENTINE

While Valentine’s Day is about declaring love for others, it’s also a perfect opportunity for reaffirming your commitment to your own brand again.   Here’s a seven-point checklist ...

The value of your service is in how it closes a gap

The value of your service is in how it closes a gap

When we understand that products and services are mere vehicles to solve problems / meet needs / alleviate pain points for the purpose of helping our customers look, live and feel ...

How to Create a Signature Value Proposition (part 3)

How to Create a Signature Value Proposition (part 3)

In last week’s article, I talked about articulating your brand’s true value as the bundle of benefits of your product/service that closes the gap between the customer’s current sta...

The Moulin Rouge is a mindset. So is your brand.

The Moulin Rouge is a mindset. So is your brand.

Mindset is synonymous with culture.   A person’s mindset, made up of their values and beliefs, drives their thinking, language and behaviour, the same way values and beliefs of org...

How to Create a Signature Value Proposition (part 2)

How to Create a Signature Value Proposition (part 2)

The value of the solution you provide is in how it takes your customer from A to B. In other words, how you take them from where they are now in their current state of being stuck ...

How to Create a Signature Value Proposition (part 1)

How to Create a Signature Value Proposition (part 1)

Creating a signature value proposition involves finding, defining then leveraging your brand’s highest value that solves your clients’ biggest problem.   Products and services solv...


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